Webtorials.Com Editorial Advisory Board

At Webtorials.Com, we're committed to providing high-quality, technically accurate information concerning the Broadband Packet areas of Frame Relay, ATM, and related technologies and services. To assist in accomplishing this goal, we've assembled an Editorial Advisory Board consisting of industry leaders in this arena to assist in providing direction and oversight of the projects here.

Gus Bender

Jim Cavanagh

Erin Dunne
Vertical System Group

Phil Evans
Perot Systems

Bill Flanagan

Robbie Forkish
Forkish Consulting

Jerry Goldstone

Chris Heckart
TeleChoice, Inc.

Greg Iverson
ADC Kentrox

Tim Kraskey
Ascend Communications

Robin Layland
Layland Consulting

John Lusa
International Communications

Steve Painter
UNC Network Services

Carroll Perkins
Siemens Westinghouse Power Corporation

Joanie Wexler


Steven Taylor
Distributed Networking

  Al Spiegleman
AM Consulting

Judson Vaughn
Seiter-Vaughn Communications


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