William (Bill) Flanagan
NetReference, Inc.

Senior Analyst

William A. Flanagan is a Senior Analyst at NetReference, Inc., a communications consultancy specializing in network architectures, located in Sterling, VA. Until 1998 he was vice president of technology at FastComm Communications Corp., Sterling, Va., where he was also vice president of marketing and product planning and was responsible for the the acquisition of the company's core frame relay capabilities and a family of channel-attached FEP products. Previously Flanagan held senior marketing positions with Newbridge Networks There he was instrumental in setting strategic targets for very large TDM networks (10,000 nodes) and for their move into frame relay and ATM technology. Before that Flanagan built the marketing communications and strategic marketing functions at Timeplex. He is a physicist by training, a frequent speaker at conferences and seminars, an author (dozens of articles as well as five books on communications), and has participated in the Frame Relay Forum Technical Committee since its inception.
