Customer Network Management Requirements


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Table of Contents

Customer Network Management Requirements

Copyright & Notices

Customer Network Management Requirements

Today’s Networks

Reminder: Generic Packet Format

Where Packet Types Fit...

Move from the “Private” Network

Customer Network Management Requirements

Management Challenge Areas

Configuration Management Example: Frame Relay PVCs

Frame Relay Pricing Elements

Committed Information Rate

Computing an Appropriate CIR


Bottom Line

Customer Network Management Requirements

Possible CNM Solutions

Example 1: FR “Customer Network Management”

Scope of FRF.6

Span of FRF.6

Representative Capabilities

Multiple Carrier Networks

Frame Relay DTE

Carrier Offerings of CNM Capabilities

Frame Relay Service Level Definition IA

Example 2: FR/ATM CSU/DSU-Based Management Tools

Who owns the CSU/DSU?

Status of CSU/DSU Management

CSU/DSU Future

Example 3: FR Switched Virtual Circuits (SVCs)

Current SVC Status

CNM and SVCs

CNM, SVCs, and Pricing

SVC Availability


Author: Steven Taylor

Home Page: ../index.htm