Recent Presentations

The following links provide copies of handouts of recent presentations by Steven Taylor. This has two major advantages versus "paper" handouts -- we save trees and you get color. The presentations are available both as slide shows for on-line viewing and as .pdf files if you want to print a copy. The presentations are copyrighted and subject to the restrictions listed in each presentation.

Network Convergence Through Advanced Data Services (Winter ‘00)

VPNs: The Reality Behind the Myth (Summer '99)

Preview of 1999 Frame Relay Market Study

Voice over IP, Frame Relay, and ATM: Getting Ready for Prime Time (Fall ‘99)

RBOCs, IXC, CLECs: Who’s Going to Buy Whom Next and What Does That Mean for You? (Networld + Interop Atlanta - Fall ‘98)

Service Level Agreements That Work for Frame Relay (1998 ICA Annual Conference)

Customer Network Management Requirements (International Engineering Consortium - SuperComm ‘98)

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