Ensuring Financial Transaction
Delivery with Route Analytics
By Packet
Published 2008, Posted August 2008
Timely and predictable transaction
processing is the lifeblood of financial services companies. Whether revenue is
produced based on transaction fees, by optimizing market timing to extract
profit margin or by other means, disruptions and unforeseen variations in the
way IP data networks deliver transaction traffic can have a significant
financial impact. The challenge for IT managers at these firms is that the
complex, redundant IP networks built to ensure traffic delivery can behave in
unpredictable ways, leading to costly transaction latency or downtime.
Unfortunately, traditional network management technologies, typically based on
SNMP device polling, don’t provide the insight that network managers need to
understand IP networks’ dynamic routing and traffic behavior.
Route analytics technology, with its real-time, network-wide understanding of the
operational routing topology and the traffic flowing across all network paths
and links, provides the missing visibility. With route analytics, network
engineers can easily monitor for network topology and traffic problems,
strengthen change management processes, proactively uncover network
vulnerabilities, and accurately simulate failure scenarios and the resulting
network behavior. Effective use of route analytics as part of the network
management process can help ensure that complex IP networks will properly
support the critical financial transactions that depend on them.
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