Updated July 2004
Computing the RoI of an IT Investment
The networking world has changed drastically in the last year. A year ago, most IT organizations were rapidly enhancing their WAN infrastructure in order to better link with customers, suppliers, and distributors. And while the cost of these WAN enhancements was certainly important, it was not the key driving issue.
Because of all that has gone on in the economy, today the number one issue both driving and inhibiting the evolution of the WAN is money. Given this, networking professionals need to be as adept with analyzing the Return on Investment (RoI) of a WAN enhancement as they are with analyzing the technologies associated with that enhancement.
This tutorial presents a framework for creating an RoI analysis. It is expected that networking professionals will customize this RoI framework for their particular situation.
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Dr. Jim Metzler of Ashton, Metzler & Associates is widely recognized as an authority on both network technology and its business applications. Over the past 28 years, he has helped over one hundred enterprises evolve their network infrastructures. Metzler has worked in software tool development, network design, engineering management for high-speed data services, and network hardware product management. He conducts tutorials on local area networking, wide area networking, and e-business around the world. And he is on the faculty at Northeastern University’s State of the Art Program in Networking. |
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