Mobile Collaboration for Dummies

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Copyright 1999-2013- Distributed Networking Associates. All portions of this web site are copyrighted by Distributed Networking Associates and/or the organization credited as the source of information. All forms of reproduction and/or recording, including photocopying, tape recording, and video taping are strictly prohibited without the express prior written permission of Distributed Networking Associates. Clipart used may include images from Corel, Broderbund, and IMSI.

Professional Opinions - All information presented and opinions expressed by Distributed Networking and/or the other organizations represented at Webtorials are the current opinions of Distributed Networking and/or the other organizations represented at Webtorials based on professional judgment and best available information at the time of presentation. Consequently, the information is subject to change, and no liability for advice presented is assumed. Ultimate responsibility for choice of appropriate solutions remains with the reader.