Wireless LANs (WLAN): January 2010 Archives

  • New Software Eliminates Cost and Complexity by Integrating Wireless, Wired, and Mobile Device Management
Aruba Networks, Inc., a global leader in 802.11n wireless LANs and secure mobility solutions, recently announced AirWave 7, a major extension of its award-winning operations solution that integrates the management of wireless networks, wired infrastructure, and client devices into a single interface. As increasingly mobile enterprise users connect to networks from more locations, using a wider variety of devices than ever before, IT organizations have struggled with the proliferation of vendor-specific, single-purpose management tools need to support these networks. AirWave 7 solves this problem by providing a single point of visibility and control for the entire network edge, including wired and wireless infrastructure as well as individual client devices. In so doing, AirWave 7 reduces the cost and complexity of network management, while improving service quality for users.
  • Virtualized WLAN Architecture Enables Comprehensive Service Assurance Program for Capacity, Availability and Real-Time Application Services
Meru Networks, Inc., a pioneer in 802.11n enterprise networking, today announced a WLAN service assurance program that provides enterprise wireless customers confidence and assurance in deploying business-critical applications on wireless LANs (WLANs). The Meru Wireless Service Assurance program provides a set of three service level benchmarks that promises end-to-end predictability, high quality real-time application services and a reliable, high-capacity WLAN system. Leveraging Meru's virtualized WLAN architecture and the Meru Service Assurance Manager software, this program is designed to ensure enterprises the availability and predictability of wired networks for their business-critical wireless applications, while utilizing fewer assets with greater efficiency than competing WLAN providers.