Mobile and VoIP combine two of the hottest dynamics in the communications industry today. This blog, by an industry practitioner, marketer and evangelist discusses the happenings, opportunities, threats and issues in this rapidly emerging market space.
Topics include:
- History - Inca, Selsius, voice over frame relay, NBX. How did the IP PBX come about?
- SIP - how can this protocol dominate the future of communications? Are there other factors at play that make it more powerful than H.323 and more easily transferrable across the carrier - enterprise divide?
- Applications - can you really do more with VoIP than dialtone? What are these applications?
E911 - ideas and discussions around this challenge. Is there only one way to do E911? Shouldn't the whole system be overhauled to exploit the non-geographic advantages of IP in solving Public Safety issues?
IP Telephony - the world's most valuable communications service. What's going on with this segment? Are IP PBXs only for small and medium business?
- IP Video - seeing is believing, but is it worth all that much? Here's what Brockmann sees and reads.
- Wireless - 'wireless' and 'mobility' are synonyms right? not. In fact, wireless generally refers to the public mobile operator environment, and mobility, generally refers to enterprise applications of mobile software, devices, networks and services.
- Security - I have studied the threats and solutions, and discuss the risks and issues.
Musings - All new departments start in musings. That's because as I write, I discover that there is a theme developing. This is the 'other' section.
About the Author
 Peter Brockmann is an Internet evangelist, marketing executive and networking enthusiast.
Since 1990, Brockmann has held various executive, product marketing and business development positions in networking, mobile software, customer relationship management software and enterprise telephony products. In 1998 he served as an expert witness before the US Department of Justice and the European Commission during inquiries into Nortel's acquisition of Bay Networks. Later in 2001, he co-founded a company and sold it the following year.
Brockmann also writes a blog on Google Tips, Observations and Experiences.